China Holds 2nd Gay Job Fair & 3rd Annual LGBT Diversity Conference


Shanghai, China, June 2, 2016 / - WorkForLGBT organized the 2nd Annual China LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Talent Job Fair – attracting twice the number of companies (34) as last year's job fair in support of LGBT diversity & inclusion on May 29, 2016 in Shanghai, China. Dozens of global Fortune 500 companies joined leading Chinese firms at this history making job fair. Earlier that same day, WorkForLGBT held their 3rd Annual LGBT Corporate Diversity & inclusion Conference, welcoming 100 HR leaders and LGBT employees to discuss programs and policies that can ensure equality at work.

Showcasing the growing acceptance of LGBT employees and customers, as well as the importance of LGBT inclusion as a business issue in China today, more than 800 LGBT employees registered online, and despite inclement weather 500 attended the fair Sunday afternoon. Tens of thousands in China's LGBT community discussed this event via social media, as leading Fortune 500 companies and Chinese multinationals engaged in the events with LGBT friendly policies and messaging, free of charge to both job seekers and company exhibitors thanks in part to sponsor and venue host Langham Xintiandi Shanghai Hotel.

Earlier that morning, HR leaders from GAP, Ford, Publicis, and BOSS took to the stage to share how companies can create workplaces that embrace diversity and LGBT employees.

"All 34 companies who registered for our job fair this year pledged their support for inclusive policies for LBGT employees, including prohibiting LGBT workplace discrimination", said Steven Paul Bielinski, Founder of WorkForLGBT. "This is an enormous step forward for the business community in China as they increasingly realize the importance of LGBT talent."

Companies looking to remain competitive in China require forward thinking and innovative HR programs and policies directed at the LGBT community. This includes non-discrimination workplace policies, diversity & inclusion training programs that create a welcoming environment for LGBT workers, and employee networks that allow LGBT employees an organizational voice.

"Leading Chinese firms joined the job fair this year for the first time to show their support for LGBT employees, including Didi Chuxing Taxi App, BlueFocus Communication Group, and BOSS recruiting. Dozens of new Fortune 500 companies and brands also joined this time, including PwC, PayPal, BP, Hyatt Hotels, EY, Morgan Stanley, Shell, 3M, Citigroup, eBay, Omnicom, and Boston Consulting Group", further explained Steven Paul Bielinski, Founder of WorkForLGBT.

WorkForLGBT was supported by Kanzhun / BOSS in holding this second annual job fair.

List of 2016 Participating Job Fair Companies:

1. Starbucks / 星巴克

2. Nielsen / 尼尔森

3. Edelman / 爱德曼

4. L'Oreal / 欧莱雅

5. State Street / 道富

6. Hyatt Hotels / 凯悦酒店集团

7. PayPal / 贝宝

8. Publicis / 阳狮集团

9. Williams-Sonoma / 威廉索拿马

10. Omnicom / 奥姆尼康

11. Electronic Arts / 艺电

12. PwC / 普华永道

13. Ford / 福特

14. Old Navy / GAP

15. EF Education First / 英孚教育

16. BP / 英国石油

17. Kanzhun / Boss 看准网 / Boss直聘

18. IBM

19. Morgan Stanley / 摩根士丹利

20. Outback Steakhouse / 澳拜客牛排

21. Interpublic Group / 埃培智集团

22. Hogan Lovells / 霍金路伟

23. 3M

24. Citigroup / 花旗集团

25. McKinsey / 麦肯锡

26. eBay / 亿贝

27. EY / 安永

28. Ogilvy / 奥美

29. Didi Chuxing / 滴滴出行

30. BlueFocus / 蓝色光标

31. Boston Consulting Group / 波士顿咨询公司

32. Shell / 壳牌

33. Wieden+Kennedy / 韦柯广告

34. Blued / 淡蓝

About WorkForLGBT

WorkForLGBT is a non-profit business network for LGBT employees in China and a platform for dialogue and collaboration with companies on LGBT corporate equality issues.

WorkForLGBT organizes regular networking mixers for gay and lesbian employees in Shanghai, Beijing, and other cities in China, as well as programs which highlight the business case for LGBT initiatives within human resources, corporate social responsibility, marketing and branding, as well as other company functions.

These include the Annual LGBT Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Conference, the Annual Pink Market Conference (which releases the China LGBT Community Survey), and their Annual Anniversary Event (which releases the China LGBT Social Climate Survey Report), as well as their Annual China LGBT Talent Job Fair.

Source: WorkForLGBT

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