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Accounting, Taxation and Business Challenges in China – LehmanBrown and the PanAmerican University MBA Program

Beijing, China (April 21, 2010) / — Dickson Leung, Senior Partner of LehmanBrown International Accountants, recently provided a China-focused business education session for thirty Masters of Business Administration students from the PanAmerican Institute for High Business Direction (IPADE).

The in-depth discussion session on the Accounting, Taxation and Business Challenges of Doing Business in China gave the MBA students an opportunity to hear about the key challenges facing companies with China operations and provided an open question and answer session.

Dickson Leung commented: "LehmanBrown is a keen supporter of professional development in general and each year we welcome many groups of students from a range of MBA, EMBA and business education programs to Beijing."

"Hearing their opinions and impressions on doing business with Chinese partners always brings up interesting points. Issues raised are often diverse and cover a wide range of topics including company set-up and capital requirements, how to recruit qualified and trustworthy employees, business risk, how to ensure the entity is ethical, what to do in a fraud or misconduct situation, due diligence on acquisition targets, business investigation, director requirements and environmental protection," added Leung.

IPADE is part of the PanAmerican University, Mexico and is recognised by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. It is ranked amongst the most prestigious business schools in the world.

LehmanBrown International Accountants
LehmanBrown is a China-focused accounting, taxation and business advisory firm, combining international expertise with practical China experience and knowledge for both local and international clients.

The company operates through offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Hong Kong, which are staffed by a combination of Chinese and expatriate professionals. Staffing is currently around two hundred professionals throughout China, all of whom are English-Mandarin bi-lingual.

LehmanBrown is registered with the PCAOB in the USA. LehmanBrown is also an Accredited Employer and Training Partner of many top global accountancy institutes including the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and CPA Australia. LehmanBrown was the first ACCA China-wide Approved Platinum Employer.

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