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Social Organizations In China Use Platform For Communicating CSR Online

Beijing, China (October 27, 2009) / — As social and community organizations mature in China, those organizations are seeking more professional staff to engage with companies on corporate social responsibility initiatives. Communicating the goals and feelings of the staff of those social organizations to the businesses who provide support to NGOs is the goal of a new service on, the online media platform operating since 2003 as the voice of corporate social responsibility in China.

The new service, called "China NGO Viewpoints", will deliver periodic essays and commentaries from top fundraisers and managers of the not-for-profit and non-governmental social organizations in China. With the aim of educating companies on the experiences of these contributing commentators, companies engaged in corporate social responsibility activities in China can better understand the motivations of these dedicated NGO staff members. has always focused primarily on the corporate viewpoint of CSR in China, but the website constantly receives feedback from staff at NGOs and NPOs that some companies 'don't get it' and this miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings. Some staff at companies ask why their counterparts at non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations in China have salaries instead of being pure volunteers. In addition, often there is a perception that staff at NGOs and NPOs have easy work schedules or that their job tasks are not measurable. The goal of the new Chinese-language compilation of commentaries and essays is to educate companies in China on the real work situation within these social groups.

This new section is edited by Kay Zhang, the PR/Communications Manager of the Care for Children charity in China. Kay previously worked for BDL Media in Beijing for about three years before she obtained her master's degree in marketing from London Metropolitan University before returning to China to work for Care for Children.

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