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Companies Around the World Can Support the Great Work of HomeAIDS in China

Can your company help us create a society where everyone has the knowledge to prevent HIV infection and feels supported through care and affection?

Yunnan, China (July 09, 2009) / — HomeAIDS is looking for companies to support the work of HomeAIDS to increase awareness amongst the public, and to provide care and support to people affected by HIV and AIDS in China.

HomeAIDS is an HIV and AIDS consultation and service centre based in Kunming city, Yunnan Province, China. Since 2008 we are an officially registered civil society organisation with the Yunnan Department of Civil Affairs. HomeAIDS was first set up in April 2002 as a joint Yunnan Red Cross and The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command project. These organisations still remain involved with HomeAIDS as part of the Council (Board). Since our launch in April 2002, we have worked in the Kunming city area to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS through outreach and educational programmes; we support and work with people with HIV/AIDS and their families through information activities, regular support sessions and family visits. We provide counselling and information services through our telephone, online and face-to-face services.

How can you help? By sponsoring our website re-development. We aim to make our website a key platform for forums and QQ sessions for anonymous responses to questions about HIV and AIDS. The website is also essential to help us raise awareness of our work amongst Kunming residents, but also potential donors in China and abroad, so as to help us fund our work in future. You can either sponsor the cost of the website development through a third party or by providing direct technical website support. RMB 3,000 pays for the re-development of the HomeAIDS website.

How can you help? By sponsoring our HIV/AIDS helpline (automated and personal responses). HomeAIDS has two telephone helplines to provide confidential professional counselling and information to callers. Our 24 hour automated telephone response system gives recorded information on different topics, whilst our helpline is manned by trained staff and volunteers to deal with specific queries. During 2008, 1582 people called the telephone lines.

How can companies help us provide the helpline service?

1) By sponsoring the helpline. A company can sponsor the lines to make this service free, for example by providing a free option if calling from a mobile telephone. A company can support HomeAIDS by sponsoring the cost of the helplines.

2) By helping HomeAIDS promote the service to Kunming residents through a text message alert campaign. This is an option for telecommunication companies or companies that have a customer database in Kunming.

RMB 600 pays for the helpline telephone line for a year. RMB 15,000 can fund the automated line for a year.

How can you help? By sponsoring our World AIDS Day event on 1 December 2009. HomeAIDS organises events to raise awareness and provide information about HIV and AIDS. In 2008, Kunming residents took part in activities at Jin Bi Square in central Kunming to mark World AIDS Day: people could take part in two interactive games, which provided an opportunity to learn about HIV and AIDS. RMB 600 can pay for publicity leaflets. RMB 4,000 pays for the whole event.

How can you help? By supporting our HIV and AIDS awareness training for students. Since the foundation of HomeAIDS in 2002, we have increased awareness of HIV and AIDS amongst students in colleges and universities in Kunming. Our activities are run in partnership with the Youth League Committees. We aim to hold 20 HIV and AIDS basic information courses for 600 students at 15 partner campuses in Kunming, and train 20 volunteer peer educators to ensure the sustainability of these courses in the future. RMB 17,000 funds 20 HIV/AIDS information courses for 600 students. RMB 32,000 allows us to train 20 peer educators.

How can your company benefit? HomeAIDS will acknowledge your support on our website and in our annual review, as well as any relevant publications. We also aim to publicise the corporate partnership through press releases, especially in CSR and business media. Your management, staff and customers will benefit from knowing they have contributed to HIV prevention and care in Yunnan. Yunnan is the province hardest-hit by HIV and AIDS in China, affecting communities at all levels. Whilst previously associated with population at higher risk such as injecting drug users, it has now become a concern for the whole population as lack of information still contributes to new infections and discrimination towards people living with HIV.

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